Bouquet of Roses and Berries


  • 5 red roses
  • 5 Branches of White Lisianthus
  • Hypericum or red berries
  • Decorative leaves

Vase not included

In this product the delivery is free


Choose a simple gesture to make your sweetheart feel special! Count on the beauty of flowers to express your feelings. What other flowers are most suitable for a person in love who wants to show their love, of the red roses?

With a bouquet of roses, you can be sure to reach the desired heart. To the beauty of the roses we added hypericum, a playful-looking plant, so we got an elegant bouquet, but with a friendly image. Order this wonderful bouquet now and it will be delivered anywhere in the Italy within 4 hours!

This Bouquet is composed of fantastic red roses and white lisianthus, with red hypericum from give as a gift for a romantic occasion or on Christmas days!

We also sell with home delivery for Christmas.


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