
Bouquet of Red roses

Da 39,00

  • Premium long-stemmed red rose bouquet (choose size)
  • Vase not included


Love is in the air and nothing says “I love you” quite like this stunning bouquet of romantic red roses, perfect for Valentine’s Day. Red roses are unquestionably the ultimate expression of romantic intent. The classic red rose is often the best choice to show your deepest affection for that special someone. Artists and poets have always aspired to fully represent the beauty and grandeur of the red rose, and while all roses convey warmth, affection and love, the red rose, being the queen of roses, is the most popular and beloved of all. The red rose embodies the desire and pulsating warmth of new love, a passionate statement of attraction.

FloraNixena guarantees the best quality. Our flowers are picked every day throughout the year at the right time to ensure excellent freshness.

Presented in our signature kraft paper or cellophane and accompanied by a beautiful envelope containing your personal message, this bouquet of flowers is sure to make any heart melt.

8 reviews for Bouquet of Red roses

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  1. Italian
    5 out of 5

    Gianmarco (verified owner)

    Stupendo e molto curato

    (1) (0)
  2. Italian
    3 out of 5

    RENATO C. (verified owner)

    Il prodotto acquistato non era esattamente quello che appariva in una schermata precedente, aggiungo però che sono stati aggiunti al bouquet degli elementi decorativi molto ben fatti e che tutto sommato costituiscono una compensazione di quanto fornito. Preciso ancora che il disguido possa essere ricondotto ad una buona fede, pertanto consiglio di attenzionare sul sito come vengono esposti i prodotti. Nel complesso l’esperienza è positiva!

    (0) (0)
  3. Italian
    5 out of 5

    Andrea Gumina (verified owner)


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  4. Italian
    5 out of 5

    Luigi F. (verified owner)

    Ottima presentazione e qualità.

    (0) (0)
  5. Italian
    5 out of 5

    Linda C. (verified owner)

    The roses were beautiful according to my cousins. This service obviously deals with only the best florists! The pictures that were sent to me from my cousins reflect that. Kudos to the florists!

    (0) (0)
  6. Italian
    5 out of 5

    Virgilio G. (verified owner)

    Fiori molto belli

    (0) (0)
  7. Italian
    4 out of 5

    Giancarlo (verified owner)

    Bellissime rose fresche.

    (0) (0)
  8. Italian
    5 out of 5

    Ziaurrahman Ahmed (verified owner)

    Fiori freschi e bellissimi e a un prezzo giusto .

    (0) (0)

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