Bouquet 100 Red roses (Luxury)


  • Bouquet of 100 red roses (Luxury)
  • Height 70-80 cm
  • It is given without mist because it already looks like this
  • In this bouquet, shipping is free throughout Italy


Red roses are the symbol of romantic love. There is no better way to express your extravagant emotions than with 100 beautiful red roses for a VIP-chosen, super-luxurious and boundless bouquet.

This Bouquet of one hundred red roses, first class has no equal. It is sent home, hand-delivered directly from FloraNixena in an exquisite way for a very special occasion. Sending this luxurious bouquet of 100 red roses as a gift means so much and something truly special

4 reviews for Bouquet 100 Red roses (Luxury)

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  1. Italian
    5 out of 5

    IORGA ANDREEA (verified owner)

    Bouquet bellissimo, come in foto! Qualità eccelsa.

    (0) (0)
    • Italian

      Davide Votadoro

      Grazie Andrea, A presto!

  2. Italian
    5 out of 5

    patrizia b. (verified owner)


    (0) (0)
  3. Italian
    5 out of 5

    Sa d. (verified owner)

    Un bouquet di lusso, che ha lasciato la mia ragazza stupita.

    (0) (0)
  4. Italian
    5 out of 5

    Luca Canevari (verified owner)

    Il bouquet è fantastico, è piaciuto tantissimo a chi lo ha ricevuto

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