Perfect Rose


  • White roses
  • Pink alstroemeria
  • White daisies
  • Gypsophila
  • Decorative leaves

Vase not included


Delicious pink Bouquet, composed of 4 white Roses, pink Alstroemeria, Daisies and Gypsophila. A treat for the eyes. Pink bouquets are known to be a wonderfully vibrant way to express gratitude, affection and warm goodwill. Their sprawling blooms and diverse shapes ensure that each arrangement is a special gesture. The FloraNixena collection of pink bouquets consists of beautiful combinations of white, fuchsia, magenta and pink roses. Our fresh stems and potted flowers are the perfect ideas for any occasion.
A single flower is worth a thousand words, so a bouquet full of freshly cut pink flowers speaks volumes. The pink flowers are representative of many charming features. They embody admiration, adoration, love, femininity, grace and elegance. You can decide to have them delivered at home or send them to your home, later delivering them in person.

4 reviews for Perfect Rose

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  1. Italian
    5 out of 5

    Marzia F. (verified owner)

    Il mazzo di fiori “rosa perfetta” era come in foto Freschissimo

    (0) (0)
  2. Italian
    5 out of 5

    Pamela (verified owner)


    (0) (0)
  3. Italian
    5 out of 5

    Rita (verified owner)

    Fiori bellissimi come da foto e puntualissimi nella consegna

    (0) (0)
  4. Italian
    4 out of 5

    Lorenzo Massacesi (verified owner)

    Non proprio uguale alla foto, ma comunque un bel mazzo di fiori

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