Happy Days
- 5 yellow roses
- 5 Black heart yellow gerberas
- White daisies
- White alstroemeria
- Decorative leaves
- Shipping is free in this bouquet
Vase not included
- Description
- Reviews (1)
Have this delivered bouquet of yellow roses e gerberas same day. Why wait to express your joy, friendship, or simply to congratulate?
The yellow roses that express your feelings of friendship, happiness and support, do you want them to arrive as soon as possible? With same-day delivery with FloraNixena is possible, your gift of yellow roses will be in the hands of your dear recipient within hours. Everything blends beautifully in this bouquet mix of gerbera yellow with black heart, classic white daisies, yellow roses and alstroemeria.
Let FloraNixena be your headquarters for gerbera flower arrangements and yellow roses brightly colored, with easy online ordering and fast delivery.
What are the gerberas about that can bring a smile to even the most irritable among us? Gerberas are close cousins of the sunflowers and can be found in many vibrant colors, including neon pink, snow white, sunny yellow, precious peach, succulent lavender, and regal red. The center of the flower can be any color, and often a single flower will have petals of different colors, which adds even more fun to any daisy bouquet.
Looking for a gift that radiates happiness and cheerfulness?.
Did you know that gerbera daisies are the fifth most popular flower for gift-giving, trailing only roses, carnations, chrysanthemums and tulips?
Who knew? A gift with bouqeut of yellow roses and yellow gerberas is a sweet way to say thank you, have a nice day and more.
Gerberas symbolize the innocence, simplicity and joy of childhood, making them a wonderful gift for virtually any occasion.
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Federica Z. (verified owner) –
Tutto perfetto