Bouquet of white calla lilies and roses


  • 10 white calla lilies
  • 7 Pink Roses
  • decorative green leaves

Vase not included


Bouquet of white calla lilies and dark pink roses to give for the birthday of your dearest person. Make your loved one feel like a queen with this stunning bouquet of pink calla lilies. This bouquet features spectacular fresh roses in vintage tones, calla lilies and pink rosesdark.

Whitecalla lily bouquets are so elegant, as is the calla lily flower itself. The calla lily is an amazing flower that has been treasured for centuries, making it a popular flower to include in arrangements, all year round. Perfect for anniversaries, birthdaysand any special occasion, the elegant calla lilies are a luxury gift to remember for a long time to come. FloraNixena offers a range of bouquets of calla lilies, including mixed, colorful, all-white and exotic arrangements.

With their delicate bell shape and variety of vibrant colors, calla lily bouquets make an especially beautiful and meaningful gift for anyone on your gift list. Our flower arrangements of calla lilies are meticulously created by hand, with delivery to the recipient’s doorstep.

What are the best occasions to give away calla lilies?

The calleare perfect for any special occasion, or even just to brighten up a room when there is no occasion! From birthdays and anniversaries to thank-yous and sympathy, our bouquet of yellow calla lilies will convey your message beautifully.


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