Alliance Bouquet


  • 3 yellow roses
  • 3 orange roses
  • 3 pink roses
  • 3 red roses
  • Decorative leaves

Shipping is free in this bouquet

Vase not included


Beautiful variegated bouquet of brilliant Fresh roses in shades of pink, orangeand yellows adorned with bright leaves and seasonal flowers. Our bouquet of mixed roses will delight your special recipient with each fragrant flower. Handpicked from selected flower farms, this flower arrangement is suitable to help you celebrate a birthday, anniversary or express your thanksgiving wishes.
Available with a selection of vases to meet your gift-giving needs.

Sending a bouquet of multicolored roses

Why go to the traditional florist for sending red roses to your home, pink roses, white roses, yellow roses, orange roses, or purple roses when you can mix colors together for a unique and creative flower arrangement that wows everyone, directly online? Mixing colors allows you to send more messages with flower delivery, as each color rose has meaning. Pink roses and white roses together convey notes of sweetness and purity, perfect for a newborn baby. While purple roses and white roses together will convey notes of enchantment and fidelity, ideal for a love-at-first-sight relationship that will never end.

You can personalize your message with different roses whenever you want to send flowers of birthday for mom, a bouquet for a friend’s anniversary, a flower arrangement for apology or even Romantic flowers. Say goodbye to the days of generic flower delivery and add a special touch to every rose bouquet you send.

Don’t worry if you need a last-minute gift. Same-day flower delivery is available in all Italian municipalities!

1 review for Alliance Bouquet

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  1. Italian
    5 out of 5

    Silvia Elena M. (verified owner)

    La consegna è avvenuta puntuale e il bouquet era perfettamente confezionato, con fiori freschi e profumati. Un servizio impeccabile che consiglio vivamente!

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