Bouquet of 25 Pink Roses


  • 25 pink roses
  • Wrapped in pink TNT fabric
  • Ivory bow
  • Decorative leaves

Vase not included

Shipping is free in this bouquet


Pink roses symbolize grace and kindness and carry the message of happiness and light romance. Surrounded by the ambiance emanating from this dazzling concoction of delightfully blooming pink roses, one is bound to feel enlivened in both body and soul.

If you are thinking of sending flowers to someone special, order this delightful pink rose bouquet for her without delay.

These beautiful flowers are also useful for conveying admiration and gratitude towards your loved ones. Order it online quickly in our online shop, also available with same day delivery.

Human beings love to be admired or praised for their efforts and this induces a feeling of being important to their loved ones. Offering a bouquet to the most important people in your life on their anniversary is sure to show appreciation. People can send flowers to express gratitude and admiration for their near and dear ones, pink roses are no match for anyone.

These beautiful flowers are said to express the variety of emotions such as appreciation, “thank you”, grace, perfect happiness, admiration, kindness, “please believe me”, gratitude, sympathy and other feelings.

If you want to greet your loved ones with a beautiful bouquet of pink roses, it is important that it is delivered fresh.

FloraNixena is able to deliver same day through its same day delivery services.


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